Armstrong Ceiling Solutions Australia

Mineral Fibre Acoustic Ceiling Tiles and Panels


Easy to handle and install, our wide range of mineral fibre acoustic ceiling tiles and panels provide acoustic ceiling solutions for every space. Whether your space requires high sound absorption, high sound attenuation or a balance of both, our mineral fibre acoustic ceiling tiles will not only ensure great acoustics – but also provide a great look to match!


Acoustic, sustainable & durable ceiling tiles / panels with Total Acoustics performance.

Ultima OP dB

Acoustic, sustainable & durable ceiling tiles / panels with maximum Total Acoustics performance.

Ultima OP

Acoustic, sustainable & durable ceiling tiles / panels with maximum sound absorption performance.

Bioguard Acoustic

Acoustic, sustainable & durable ceiling tiles / panels with Total Acoustics, Clean Room and antimicrobial performance. 

Bioguard Acoustic OP RH100

Acoustic, sustainable & durable ceiling tiles / panels. Maximum sound absorption in high humidity environments. Anti-microbial performance.

Optra Open Plan

Acoustic ceiling tiles / panels that offer maximum sound absorption performance in open areas. 

Dune Max

Acoustic ceiling tiles / panels with a contemporary “sandy” texture and Total Acoustics performance. 


 ‘”sandy” texture acoustic ceiling tiles / panels with good acoustic performance at a modest price.

Fine Fissured & Fine Fissured High NRC

Cost effective acoustic ceiling tiles / panels with Total Acoustics performance.

Contact Us

Still have questions? Please contact us with any ceiling, wall or acoustical enquiry.